
Heavy Medal Tour: Lodwick, Spillane, Demong , Camerota Visit Troops

The infamous Steamboat Springs Olympians, Todd Lodwick, Johnny Spillane, Bill Demong and Brett Camerota, won silver in the Nordic Combined in the 2010 Olympics. These athletes have received their medals for representing our country and now they are sharing their medals with the US Troops overseas in Irag.

It is called the Heavy Medal Tour. “We tried to see as many troops as possible and put as many medals around necks as possible," Lodwick said.
They traveled from base to base to place silver medals on the necks of over 10,000 troops recognizing that they were the true heroes.

"You realize that these guys have been over here for a year in a half and put their lives on the line everyday. That's really when it hits home, that these guys give their freedom for ours," Lodwick said.

Visit Steamboat and see where these incredible athletes train and get to know the town that helped train and support these men! ResortQuest Steamboat has the premium properties to match your vacation.

See the Full Story at 9News.com

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