If you’re not already on twitter, let me explain. Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. If you are familiar with Facebook, tweeting t is a little like updating your status.
Each twitter user has a specific screen name (like SteamboatCondos). Each twitter user can choose to follow other users that interest them. For example, I love the Old Town Pub in steamboat, so I'm following OldTownPub. Others who are interested in us can choose to follow our tweets.
So, you 'follow' people, and you are 'followed' by others. You do not have to follow someone that follows you. Follow me yet?
We are always looking for ways to better connect with our guests and potential customers and so we recently took the leap onto twitter. If you’re already on twitter, we can be found @steamboatcondos
So what do we do and share on twitter? We talk about things going on at ResortQuest Steamboat's lodging properties, as well as things going on in the Steamboat Springs area and at the Steamboat Ski Resort - anything from event announcements, to snow and weather reports, new photos of recently renovated condos and, of course, deals! We even answer questions from our followers, such as 'Which hot springs in Steamboat do you recommend visiting," or "Which is the best ski-in/ski-out property in Steamboat?"
I love this quote from the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia: "Twitter, as its name suggests, is like a large aviary of birds - with all the birds bursting into song at the same time. While the bare-bones nature of the site's interface encourages new users, making sense of all the dialogue taking place on it is harder."
So, to help you get sort through the tweets, here are a few Twitter Tools:
- TwitterLocal: It's an app you can download to filter tweets by location
- TweetDeck: Is an ap that allows you to group people you follow into groups and favorites, or monitor tweeted terms, like 'Steamboat Springs'
- Twhirl: An ap that is active on your desk-top and sends pop-up messages whenever the people you follow post a tweet
- WhoShouldIfollow.com: enter your Twitter username and get suggestions about who you should follow
- TwitterGrader by HubSpot: See how you rank in the twittersphere, but identify top tweeters in your region
We hope to see you on Twitter soon!
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